My Summary
I found out, during this project, a lot just from Google trends. I learned that overall, in the United States, there are generally huge dips during known American holidays, like Thanksgiving break and Christmas breaks. This is because students and adults alike are given vacation time to relax, destress, have less homework, and help ease depression. Worldwide, it also corresponds roughly to the U.S. trends. This is due to the fact that different countries have different holidays where they feel less stressed/more depressed/have more homework.
I also found that certain countries had different search interests. For example, stress in Japan was highly searched. This is because of the harsh working conditions in Japan, with many workers having to face long hours of overtime. In the U.S, West Virginia searched depression the most. I found that this was backed up by recent news and research, which explains why we see these results on the graphs from the data.
Overall, I had a really fun time doing this project. I think it helped enhance my understanding of these topics and the global interest behind it. Google Trends is really great for analyzing data, and I'm glad I learned about it.